A Personal Loan from Greater Bank is an easy, convenient way to access the funds to help you get what you want sooner. Whether you’ve found your next set of wheels, are planning some work around the house, or eyeing off the holiday of a lifetime, we're here to help. Offering competitive rates, our loans can be approved in as little as 24 hours, making them the better value, more convenient option.
Get what you want, sooner
Who is eligible for a Personal Loan?
What you'll need handy

Your current and previous employer details including name, address and contact number

What you currently earn

Current loan repayments and other payments you make

Credit and store card limits and the value of your assets.

What your average monthly general living expenses are
Applying for a Personal Loan
What happens when you've applied?
A Greater Bank staff member will soon be in touch to discuss the status of your application.
Personal Loans Comparison Page
Take a look at our Personal Loans comparison page before continuing and consider the range of products available.